Mariah Carey Photoshop Fail: 'American Idol' Promo Image Shows Impossibly Tiny Waist


Helll YEeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally It Happened.....I got rid of all my ISHHHfrom my credit report y'all - I was in deep for 5 years. Coudn't buysheeet. Just approved for that 25k loan to buy a new CAMAARO!!!

IF YOU GOT PROBLEMS WITH THAT CRE DIT HISTORY ISHH, CLEAN ALL THAT BS RIGHT OFF. YOu can get yours too, call these PROS at 877-499-4850 - THEY ARE CHEAP AND DID AN INCREDIBLE JOB FOR ME. Got Rid of all my Shyyyt - i coudn't believe how quick they work.

My homeboy was in terribleshape too, and he clean in a matter of this summer! Gettin a condo now!

Hit em up - they will help!!!!!!

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